Jesus loves you

On this side of eternity, we sing "Jesus, You're all that matters" and rightly so, He's indeed all that matters and I don't want to get into that right now. We should sing it, again and again and again "He's all that matters". 

However, on the other side of eternity, Jesus is singing "you're all that matters to me".

And while you don't need to be a scholar in rocket science or a brain surgeon to understand why He's all that matters or why He is all that should matter, many still can't wrap their heads around the fact that we're all that matters to Him! But think about it, why else did He die on the cross?! What was His motivation if not your inestimable worth! 

Friends, if you think about what He gave up to come live here on earth and His ultimate crucifixion, you can't but get some comprehension of the fact that you're indeed all that matters to Him. Jesus is greatly in love with you!

I would very much like to remind you today, God loves you so much. You are the joy that was set before Him that made Him endure the pain, shame, ridicule of the cross. You mean so much to Him. You're all He thinks about, and this fact is so obvious to the inhabitants of heaven that one of them exclaimed sometime ago, what is man that you are mindful of Him?! It's high time this became obvious to you too. It's time you appreciated how much God loves you. Your consciousness of this will turn your life around for the better, forever

Again, God loves you! He loves you too much! His mind is full of you. He can't stop thinking about you. And if you have not given Him an opportunity to show you how much you mean to Him, I can hear Jesus saying "Give me a chance. Let me show you how much I love you. Let me show you how valuable you are to me. Give me a chance to turn your life around and you won't regret." God bless you.


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