The world is failing but God will never fail

Mark 13:31  
Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.

Friends, recent happenings in the world emphasizes the need to hold on to God and His Word more than ever before. It is time to really study the Word, and then hold on to it with all you've got and as if your life depended on it because friends, it actually does. 

As our scriptural reference reveals, heaven and earth will pass away, but God's words will NEVER pass away. The world and the systems of the world as we know it, are already passing away, and at an astonishing pace I must add. The coronavirus pandemic has proved that the sophistication and technological advancements of the most developed nations of the world are imperfect and at best fleeting. Who would have thought! Some of them thought they were several miles ahead of the rest and adequately prepared for the vagaries of the world (and in truth, maybe they were), but suddenly their confidence in themselves has been abased in the most ruthless of ways. They've been thoroughly let down by their systems and structures which hitherto proved dependable and durable. Friends, that's how the cookie crumbles! Be that as it may, it is important to note that recent happenings in the world corrabotes what God's Word has hitherto revealed, which is the fact that heaven and earth will pass away. Everything created will pass away but the creator (the Word) will never pass away.

Beloved, God's Word is immutable, infallible and eternal. The world and its systems and structures will fail and eventually pass away, but God's Word will endure forever. No matter what circumstances and situations comes to test the veracity and efficacy of the Word, they will all fail (coronavirus is one of such and is already failing). So, put your confidence on God and His Word not on the world that is already passing away. The world and all it has to offer will fail but God will never fail! God bless you.


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