Annals of the Cross (7)

In previous posts, we were told that the Cross was an eternal and irrevocable statement of love and judgment by God to man and the devil respectively. We have also been told that the Cross has a plethora of associated dividends which are legitimately ours to enjoy now and forever. In addition, we were also told that because of the sacrifice of Christ on the  Cross, God doesn't really have a choice anymore, as it were, He has to bless us. The moment He accepted 'payment' (Jesus' death), He committed Himself to deliver 'the goods'. Moreover, the Cross is the eternal receipt, as it were, that reminds God of the payment Jesus made for everything we desire. Because of said payment, God justly, duly and extravagantly dishes out our divine emoluments. Also, the Cross was also an eternal and irrevocable statement of God's willingness to help mankind. 

Furthermore, the cross was also an eternal and irrevocable statement of God's commitment to go the extra mile for man's sake. Friends, your human mind cannot comprehend the pain that the Trinity and the entire host of heaven went through when Jesus hung on the cross and paid the ultimate sacrifice for our salvation. You will find a little perspective in that light here.

Beloved, if only you can get a revelation of the heart of God for you, if only you can see how much He loves you, how much he cares about you...if only. 

The moment Jesus went to the cross, everything changed for mankind for the better. The wonderful things the people of old and even the people in Jesus' day enjoyed is nothing compared to what the people post-the cross of Jesus has the potential to enjoy. The wonderful things the people of old did is nothing compared to the things we have the potential and capacity to do. No wonder Jesus said the least in the Kingdom of God is greater than John the Baptist who was the greatest among all men born of a woman. He also said we shall do greater works than even He did (John 14:12), which is absolutely incredible. 

Friends, know that Jesus is very much willing to go the extra mile for your sake. No matter how difficult or impossible that situation may be, from the human standpoint, with God all things are possible and easy (Matt 19:26). If He went through the cross experience for your sake, He can go any length to save, bless, prosper, heal and uplift you as well as bring His plans and purposes for your life to actualization. 

Finally brethren, it is Easter again; a season when we remember Jesus' crucifixion, death, burial and resurrection. As you do this, please also think about all Jesus accomplished for you via His cross experience as I have explicitly outlined in the course of this series titled "Annals of the Cross". God bless you. JESUS LOVES YOU.


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