Annals of the Cross (6)

Again, it's Christmas season - the season we are reminded how God took 'baby steps' to secure man's redemption with the birth of His Son Jesus. However, this post is not about the birth of Christ, but about His Cross, being the high point of His life on earth. 

In addition to what has been said in previous posts which you will find here, here, herehere and here, the cross was also an eternal and irrevocable statement of God's willingness to help mankind. 

Before Jesus went to the cross, some of the people of His day were not so sure He was willing to save them for several reasons which we can't get into now. One of the people with such reservations was bold enough to express his uncertainty to Jesus but Jesus lovingly and compassionately cleared his doubts (Mark 1:40-41). As if that was not enough, Jesus more than emphasized His absolute willingness to save mankind by the Cross experience. He left heaven to die for mankind of His own volition and even when the journey got to the most irksome point, He was still able to find a way, albeit through prayers, to complete the journey. 

It was God's will for Jesus to be the propitiation for the sins of mankind (Luke 22:42). Now, more than ever before, God is even more willing to bless, help, heal, save and prosper us. Romans 8:32 (AMPC) says "He who did not withhold or spare [even] His own Son but gave Him up for us all, WILL He not also with Him freely and graciously give us all [other] things?" If God gave Jesus - His choicest possession - He WILL give all other things. It's simple logic. Withholding any other thing would invariably make the "withheld thing" more valuable than Jesus, I'm sure we all agree that there is no such thing in heaven, on earth and in all eternity. 

So, friends, be confident of God's resolute willingness to help you at all times. God bless you real good. Merry Christmas once more.


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