Annals of the Cross (5)

In previous posts, we were told that the Cross was an eternal and irrevocable statement of love and  judgment by God to man and the devil respectively. We have also been told that the Cross has a plethora of associated dividends which are legitimately ours to enjoy now and forever. In addition, we have been told that because of the sacrifice of Christ on the cross, God doesn't really have a choice anymore, as it were, He has to bless us. The moment He accepted the price, He committed Himself to deliver 'the goods'.

Furthermore, the cross is the eternal receipt, as it were, that reminds God that payment has been made for everything we desire. And because payment has been made, God justly, duly and extravagantly dishes out our divine emoluments to us. 

Moreover, because the said payment was an overpayment as it were, God is obliged to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think (Eph 3:20). So, when God looks at the cross of Christ, He is reminded that it will not be out of place for Him to "overbless" us because of Christ's overpayment, afterall He has everything we would ever need in foison.

In conclusion, we see that Christ's overpayment of the price for our redemption obliges God to over overbless us above all we ask or think. God bless you real good. 


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