Annals of the Cross (4)

In previous posts, we were told that the Cross was an eternal and irrevocable statement of love and  judgment by God to man and the devil respectively. We have also been told that the Cross has a plethora of associated dividends which are legitimately ours to enjoy now and forever. 

Furthermore, before Jesus went to the Cross, God didn't really owe man anything. He didn't really need to do anything for man if He didn't want to. This is simply because no price had been paid; by price I mean the requisite sacrifice and/or conditions to obtain the blessings of God. 

However, after Jesus went to the Cross and paid the price for the salvation of mankind, fulfilling all the requirements stated in the law in the process, God didn't really have a choice as it were, He had to bless man. Jesus overpaid the price for us to receive anything and everything from God. When He said "it is finished", He was saying "Father, I have done my part. Over to you". And of course, God was always going to oblige; He has a reputation of credibility and fidelity to protect. Jesus' completion of His assignment placed an enforced demand on God's performance of the details of His covenant with Jesus to man's aggrandizement. Now, if God refuses to bless us, He will be a cheat, and of course that is impossible! The moment He accepted the price, He committed Himself to deliver 'the goods'. You know what, God is excited about this situation! He instigated the whole process remember. He is righteous and just. For Him to bless us righteously, a price needed to be paid which He knew we couldn't pay it. But because He so desperately wanted us to be benefactors of His abundant blessings, He sent His Son to pay the price. Jesus duly paid the price. Now God can righteously bless man. 

The beautiful thing is, and substantiating the already stated, God has blessed us already (Eph 1:3). He has released the afore-stated dividends of the Cross upon us foison. It is now left for us to receive, confess and enforce the physical manifestations of God's already-released blessings in our lives. God bless you.


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