Annals of the Cross (3)

In previous posts, we were told that the Cross was a loud, bold, eternal and irrevocable statement by God on both man and the devil. To man, He was proclaiming words of affection and affirmation saying "I LOVE YOU" while to the devil, He was passing judgment saying "you are defeated". 

Furthermore, everything about the cross was for the utmost benefit of man. Besides what God was saying through the Cross, the Cross has an extravagance of associated dividends; and all the dividends are legitimately and incontestibly yours to enjoy now and forever. 

Beyond the fact that Jesus went to the Cross to deliver them to you, God has also freely given them unto you because of the sacrifice of Jesus (2 Pet 1:3, 1 Tim 6:7). So, when you think about the Cross, don't just think about how Jesus suffered alone - it's Ok to do that - but please don't stop there, also think about what He achieved through the Cross. Think about the dividends too - your salvation, justification, deliverance, healing, prosperity, success, fruitfulness. Think about these things, declare them over your life, prayerfully demand or enforce them if necessary and thank God for them. As you do, and as you grow in the knowledge of Christ, you will enjoy them more and more. God bless you.


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