Annals of the Cross (2)

In a previous post Annals of the Cross 1, we were told that the Cross was an eternal and irrevocable verdict by God on man. 

Moreover, the Cross was also an eternal and irrevocable judgment of the devil by God. When Jesus hung on the cross, God was saying "devil you are defeated", "you have no power over my children anymore", "you have no place in their lives anymore", "they are free from your bondage", and all these were perfected when Jesus died, went to hell, defeated the devil and resurrected. 

Beloved, Jesus told us that one of the things the Holy Spirit will do when He comes, and He has, is that He will reprove the world of judgment because the prince of this world is judged (John 16:8, 11). Satan - the prince of this world - was subjected to eternal damnation when Jesus hung on the cross. 

So, friends, when next the devil comes to you with lies and deceptive words, remember that he has been judged by God. Remember that he has been disarmed (Col 2:15) and rendered powerless over you. Remember that you have been translated from his kingdom into the Kingdom of Jesus (Col 1:13) and that he no longer has jurisdiction over you. Remember that all the power has been given to Jesus (Matt 28:18) who in turn has handed them to you (Luke 10:19). 

Friends, never hand your power back to the devil by falling for his tricks. Stand your ground in the light of God's word. Do so, being fully conscious or mindful of God's words to you as well through the Cross. God bless you.


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