You are Saved by Grace!

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Eph 2:8 (NKJV)
For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God.

You would have heard for the umpteen time that salvation is a package that includes prosperity, healing, deliverance, success, advancement, promotion, fruitfulness, productivity, you just name it; all the wonderful things you can think of, they are all wrapped up in salvation. 
Our scriptural reference, tells us that by Grace we have been saved. In other words, you receive the aforementioned wonderful gifts from God by Grace. It's the grace of God that brings salvation (Titus 2:11). You are not saved by your hard work, but by Grace alone, else Grace is no longer Grace (Rom 11:6). Never you think you have everything you do because you worked for it. Your salvation is a product of Grace, hence everything you have is by Grace. You didn't earn it; in short you can't earn it. If you think that you've made head way because of your qualifications, I hate to burst your bubble but you are very wrong. There are people who are even more qualified that have not done as well as you have. You may think that it's your hard work that has placed you on a pedestal of success; wrong again, it's the Grace of God. Some work ten times harder yet are no where near successful. Some of these have never tasted success. It's not your intelligence, hard work, beauty, determination, etc that SAVES you. It's the Grace of God.
The scripture says you have been saved! It doesn't matter what your present experience is, you have been saved! Your current situation might not have any similitude to salvation, you have been saved! Let every man be a liar, let even your situation be a liar and let God be true. God's Word is infinitely true and more real than any reality you may be dealing with. It's only a matter of time before your salvation is physically manifested.
Finally, the only thing you need to access God's Grace in order for you to receive your salvation is FAITH; " are saved through faith". Never you try to earn your salvation as if it were dependent on what you do. Put your faith on the finished work of Jesus and then you'll be saved. God bless you!

Father, thank you for your grace. I put my faith on Jesus' finished work on the cross and I receive the dividends of salvation in Jesus name, Amen.


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